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COVID-19 Protocols

As BC moves into phase II of its Restart Plan, we will continue to follow the guidelines introduced by public health authorities and the CTCMA (our regulatory college). 


At this time, we have changed our scheduling to limit the number of patients in the clinic at each time, in order to ensure optimum physical distancing during treatment. We are disinfecting surfaces frequently, and Marcie will be following public health recommendations regarding physical distancing, use of a mask, and hand-washing before and after contact with each patient. 


We have developed the following health and safety protocols to protect our patients and our community. Please familiarize yourself with these policies before booking an appointment. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we begin on our way to a new normal.


  • If you have a fever, cough, difficulty breathing or have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 in the past 14 days, please reschedule your appointment, self-isolate and contact your doctor. 


  • We request that you use the BC COVID-19 Self Assessment Tool 24 hours before your visit. The questions (included below) will be sent to you in the appointment reminder email. We will also ask you the same screening questions at the clinic before each treatment session:​​

    1. Are you experiencing any of the following symptoms: fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat or painful swallowing, stuffy or runny nose, loss of sense of smell, headache, muscle aches, fatigue, or loss of appetite? 

    2. Have you travelled outside Canada (including to the United States) within the last 14 days? 

    3. Did you provide care or have close contact with a person who has a confirmed infection of COVID-19? Note: this means you would have been contacted by your health authority's public health team. 

If you answer YES to any of the above, please do not access the clinic. Go home and follow the instructions of BC Public Health regarding COVID-19 testing and/or self-isolation.


  • Please follow the policies below upon arrival at the clinic:

    • Arrive on time to your scheduled appointment time. The waiting area will be limited to one person. You may be asked to wait outside until the clinic can accommodate another person. 

    • Wear a mask. In case you forget, we will have masks available at the clinic for a small cost.  

    • Sanitize your hands on arrival. 

    • Keep a distance of 2 meters between yourself and others while at the clinic, particularly when entering or exiting the space. 

    • Please store your belongings in the basket under the bed during your treatment. 


Thank you for your cooperation. We hope you are staying safe and healthy during this difficult time and we look forward to seeing you in the clinic soon. 



Gathered Roots Community Acupuncture


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